Get a hat, if you want!
Some hats remain on the web store - They fit nice and depending on the time of day and the weather, they match the sky. Pretty cool.
I like to drive around these unpaved Hill Country roads out here and see if I can find landscapes and clouds that match.
- Garrett
billowing hats of headytown!
New hats came in the other day and I got so excited I had to write a song about them. “Dad style”, but not just for dads, these hats are embroidered with the nice scene from our easy breezy beer - billowing clouds of Hallertau.
Visit to purchase (direct link in bio). These will begin to ship out late week. In the interim, maybe tuck your t-shirt in and put your favorite Pat Metheny album on while you wait for your hat to arrive.
your friendly jam pal,
Revisiting a test beer from a long while back and going through a dusty old book of brewing notes. Hoping to get this one in tank soon as an appendage to the kinder weather this fall.
Party @lolo_wine this Sunday featuring our newest offering, “olderbeer”, wine from my lovely wife Adrienne @lightsome_wines and jams from our pal DJ gross y’all @grossyall .
4pm - 8pm, June 27th.
See you there!

Yokefellow + Lightsome family affair!
Kind people of the internet, join me and my wife Adrienne @lightsome_wines for a family party this Sunday, June 27 from 4pm - 8pm @lolo_wine
This’ll be your first opportunity to drink some olderbeer before it gets on out to retailers next week. Also, there’ll be some cool wine my wife made for you to drink on too.
See you there!
The newest offering of the “Yokefellow Beer Experience”, Olderbeer is an exploration into the temporal maneuvers of our favorite yeast. It spent some time preparing itself for your impending enjoyment, but what is time other than a referential metronome for our diligent participation in culture and commerce? This beer is older now than it once was, and will get older yet.
The following photos are of the beer, and then some cryptic hints at the impetus of inspiration for its construction.
Retailers will begin to receive some Olderbeer next week, with a fun thing happening just prior. More on that soon.
Happy Solstice,
New beer coming down the pipeline real soon....more about it later.
In the meantime, here are some books I’ve been reading on, a beer I made 10 years ago and drank tonight, and some stuff I’ve found and seen walking around outside.
See you soon,
Ordinary pale beer returns, and it is nice.
Once again, “ilk”, our English-ish pale beer maneuvers through the retail current. Austin will begin to receive it today + tomorrow, followed by San Antonio and the Hill Country on Friday.
Go get some cans, jam some Caravan, and pretend you’re at the pub, if you’re into it.
Your bud,
I’m transferring “ilk” into the brite and jamming to Caravan “Land of Grey and Pink”; a band from Canterbury, not far from where the hops in this beer were grown. Thanks Jordan Keeper for accidentally playing this album years ago and for pouring my first Landlord; incidents which have immensely informed the construction of this beer.
If I may say so, “ilk” is pouring like a proper cask pint off the zwickl and I’m enjoying an early sup while moving liquid around.
See you soon,
I put 60 onions and some asparagus in the ground on this beautiful day, then I drank some suds in the sun. Carrots we planted in the fall are coming to an end (we ate most of them), and the last of the turnips too. The sky looked just like the can, and it was 68F. What’s better than weather like that?
Your friend,
Green thumb Garrett